Advancing Crash Investigation With Connected and Automated Vehicle Data – Phase 2
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Edition:Final Report: May 2019-Aug 2020
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Abstract:This report explores the advancement of crash investigation through connected and automated vehicle data by answering several research questions: (1) What insights can be gained from automated vehicle (AV) crashes? (2) What are the gaps in AV safety performance? (3) Which crash contributors are revealed by AV sensors? (4) What pertinent information is missing in crash investigations? (5) What is the preparedness of law enforcement to use AV data? And (6) What insights are gained from on-road AV crash narratives? The results revealed that AV sensors provide valuable information about vehicle trajectories, which is usually unavailable. The above questions (2 and 6) are addressed by combining text analytics of crash narratives and Bayesian methods to assess how pre-crash conditions, automated driving mode, and crash types are associated with crash severity. This method revealed that AVs operating on ramps or slip lanes often experience higher injury severity. Questions 4 and 5 are addressed by surveying crash investigators in law enforcement and assessing their familiarity and experience with AV data. The survey revealed a need for standardization in AV data retrieval and training processes, resulting in a list of pertinent training curricula for law enforcement. This report also motivates a discussion on proper training of crash investigators. It shows that data uncovered through AV sensors can enrich crash investigation practices by facilitating a comprehensive portrayal of crash events.
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