North American Transportation Atlas Data (NORTAD): 1998
Alternative Title:NORTAD: 1998;North American Transportation Atlas Data: 1998;
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Abstract:The North American Transportation Atlas Data - 1998 (NORTAD) is a set of geographic data sets for transportation facilities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. These data sets include geospatial information for transportation modal networks and intermodal terminals, and related attribute information. Included are descriptions of the file formats and metadata as prescribed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). The data on this compact disc (CD-ROM) support research, analysis, and decision making across all modes of transportation. The data are most useful at the national level, but have major applications at regional, state, and local scale throughout the transportation community. These data sets do not provide explicit connections between modes and terminals.
This product is distributed in shapefile format. The shapefile is an open format created by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). You can find additional information about the format at:
The NTAD1998 databases are designed for use within a geographic information system (GIS); however, the attribute data for each dataset can be accessed in any database, spreadsheet, or other software package. This information is stored in dBASE format. Because of spreadsheet limitations, many of the larger dBASE files will not open correctly with spreadsheet software. It is important to note that users who manipulate attribute data outside of their GIS may alter the shapfiles' linkage between the attribute and spatial data.
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