Recommendations of the National Mayday Readiness Initiative
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Abstract:Automobile companies are rapidly deploying millions of vehicles with increasingly advanced abilities to detect, collect and wirelessly transmit crisis-related voice and crash data at the push of a button or the deployment of an airbag. The next generation will use increasingly sophisticated crash data to predict the severity of injury and thus assist emergency responders in sending the appropriate care, as well as reducing response times. This will save lives and reduce severe permanent injuries. But the technologies present a challenge for public emergency response agencies, and now is the time to prepare. Private sector call centers (which initially receive the calls and data from these “Mayday” devices) and the nation’s 6000+ Public Safety Answering Points and other responders must be capable of communicating quickly and efficiently with one another. The National Mayday Readiness Initiative (NMRI) is a public-private partnership of more than twenty national organizations which have been meeting since May to develop and address the primary issues that arise in the dealings between private Mayday “telematics service providers” (or “TSPs”, such as OnStar, ATX Technologies, AAA Response) and the nation's public emergency response agencies. The Initiative is co-sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation and the ComCARE Alliance, and is supported by DOT funds and a grant from General Motors/OnStar.
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