Interstate-35 Bridge Instrumentation Renaissance
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NTL Classification:NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Bridges and Structures;NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Construction and Maintenance;
Abstract:An updated, accelerometer-based, sensor and data acquisition system was installed and verified on the I-35 Walnut Creek Bridge in Purcell, Oklahoma. The data collection system also includes a microwave communication system to move sensor and video data off the bridge, through the ODOT proprietary network, to a server on the OU Norman campus. A new approach to structural health monitoring is proposed based on a reliability definition of structural health. Within that framework, the structure’s probability of failure is estimated using data from the sensor network, the output of a moving mass analysis to simulate the traverse of a heavy vehicle across the bridge, and a probabilistic metal fatigue analysis incorporating a Markov state transition analysis to map the transition of the structure from the undamaged to failed states.
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