Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 3: Design Guidance. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Highways. Volume I - Design Principles
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Abstract:This document has been written to provide information on how to apply principles of geotechnical earthquake engineering to planning, design, and retrofit of highway facilities. Geotechnical earthquake engineering topics discussed in this document include: deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment; evaluation of design ground motions; seismic and site response analyses; evaluation of liquefaction potential and seismic settlements; seismic slope stability and deformation analyses; and seismic design of foundations and retaining structures. The document provides detailed information on basic principles and analyses, with reference to where detailed information on these analyses can be obtained. Design examples illustrating the principles and analyses described in this document are provided in Volume II - Design Examples, FHWA-SA-97-077. References; 14 tables, 75 figures. 209p.
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