Secretary of Transportation Speeches
Digitized copies of speeches by Secretaries of Transportation, dating from 1965 to 2011. Bookmark this collection: OR
- Letter 1
- Other 3
- Policy Statement 21
- Press Release 13
- Speeches 865
- Text 1
- Adams, Brock 133
- Alexander, Ben 1
- Beckham, William J., Jr. 6
- Beggs, James M. 1
- Boyd, Alan S. (Alan Stephenson), 1922-2020 200
- Brinegar, Claude S. 83
- Butchman, Alan 2
- Coleman, William T., Jr. 18
- Coupal, J.R. 1
- Goldschmidt, Neil 76
- Helms, J. Lynn 1
- Lehan, Frank W. 1
- Lewis, Drew 30
- Trent, Darrell M. 5
- Volpe, John A. 337
- Washington, James A. 1
- NBC's Meet the Press 1
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. 1
- United States. Department of Commerce 31
- United States. Department of Transportation 863
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary 2
- United States. President's Council on Youth Opportunity 1
- U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, D.C. 1
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. Subcommittee on Roads 2
- United States. Department of Commerce 30
- United States. Department of Transportation 795
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of Public Affairs 38
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary 10
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office Public Affairs 28
- 55 mph speed limit 2
- 1969 Paris Air Show 2
- Abruzzo (Italy) 1
- Access 1
- Accessibility 4
- Administration 1
- Administrative procedures 1
- Adolescents 3
- Advertising 1
- Aeronautical engineering 1
- Aeronautics 3
- Aerospace industry 3
- Aircraft 2
- Aircraft industry 5
- Aircraft noise 5
- Aircraft operations 2
- Aircraft pilotage 1
- Airline pilots 2
- Airlines 8
- Air pilots 3
- Airplanes 2
- Air pollution 6
- Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 4
- Airport and Airways Development Act of 1970 1
- Airport capacity 11
- Airport facilities 5
- Airport noise 2
- Airport operations 11
- Airport planning 10
- Airport runways 1
- Airports 16
- Airport traffic 2
- Air quality management 4
- Air traffic 4
- Air traffic control 7
- Air traffic control facilities 2
- Air traffic controllers 5
- Air transportation 10
- Air transportation policy 10
- Air travel 20
- Airways 2
- Alaska Railroad 1
- Alcohol use 1
- Alitalia (Airline) 1
- American Chamber of Commerce in Italy 1
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1
- Anniversaries 1
- Appropriations 10
- Aprons (Airports) 1
- Automobile driving 1
- Automobile engineers 1
- Automobile industry 24
- Automobile insurance 5
- Automobile ownership 1
- Automobile parts industry 1
- Automobiles 8
- Automobile travel 2
- Aviation 44
- Aviation safety 15
- Awards 10
- Bankruptcy 4
- BART 1
- Bay Area Rapid Transit System 1
- Beautification 9
- Bermuda 2 1
- Bermuda Agreement 1
- Bids 1
- Biographies 1
- Black people 1
- Boeing 1
- Boeing 727 1
- Boeing 737 1
- Boeing 747 2
- Boys Town of Italy 2
- Bridges 4
- Budgeting 7
- Building materials 1
- Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety 1
- Bureau of Public Roads 1
- Buses 5
- Businesses 1
- Bus transportation 1
- Cable cars 1
- Canal lock operations 1
- Canal operations 1
- Canals 2
- Canals and waterways 1
- Career development 1
- Carpools 7
- Carriers 1
- Catholic Church 2
- Center Cities Transportation Program 1
- Central business districts 1
- Certification 2
- Charities 2
- Children 2
- Cities 5
- City planning 12
- Civil aircraft 2
- Civil aviation 5
- Civil engineering 2
- Civil engineers 1
- Civil rights 3
- Clean Air Amendments of 1970 1
- Coast Guard 2
- Coasts 1
- Cold weather construction 1
- Collective bargaining 5
- College graduates 6
- College students 1
- Columbus Day 1
- Combined Federal Campaign 1
- Combustion chambers 1
- Commencement addresses 2
- Commercial transportation 1
- Communication 2
- Communications 3
- Communities 2
- Competition 4
- Conferences 9
- Congestion management systems 1
- Congressional hearings 28
- Conrail 1
- Conservation 3
- Construction 5
- Construction and maintenance 6
- Construction and maintenance personnel 1
- Construction industry 1
- Construction management 1
- Container handling 2
- Containerization 1
- Containers 3
- Container terminals 1
- Contractors 1
- Cooperation 35
- Costs 1
- Cost sharing 1
- Council of Lake Erie Ports 1
- Countermeasures 1
- Crash causes 1
- Crashes 4
- Crash victims 1
- Crimes 1
- Dams 1
- Dash 80 1
- Data analysis 1
- Defense 4
- Demonstration projects 1
- Deregulation 3
- Design practices 1
- Development 9
- Disaster preparedness 1
- Dissenters 1
- Documents 1
- Dwight D. Eisenhower 1
- Eagle (Ship : 1936- ) 1
- Eastern Air Lines 1
- Economic and social factors 52
- Economic conditions 1
- Economic development 4
- Economic factors 47
- Economic growth 4
- Economic impacts 3
- Economic policy 1
- Economics 28
- Education 5
- Education and training 1
- Elections 2
- Electronics 1
- Electronics industry 1
- Emergencies 1
- Emergency management 1
- Emergency transportation 1
- Eminent domain 1
- Employee relations 4
- Employees 2
- Employment 16
- Energy 8
- Energy conservation 38
- Energy consumption 21
- Energy resources 6
- Engineers 1
- Environment 7
- Environmental impact analysis 1
- Environmental impacts 9
- Environmental Improvement Program 1
- Environmental policy 3
- Environmental Policy Act of 1969 1
- Environmental protection 12
- Environmental quality 4
- Equity (Justice) 1
- Excavations, mines and oil fields 2
- Exhaust gases 2
- Exhibitions 3
- Experimental Safety Vehicle Program 1
- Exploration 3
- Expressways 2
- Fair Housing Act 1
- Fatalities 3
- Fear 1
- Feasibility analysis 1
- Federal-Aid Highway Act 9
- Federal aid 20
- Federal Aid Highway Act 1
- Federal aid highways 7
- Federal assistance programs 2
- Federal Aviation Administration 3
- Federal government 76
- Federal government agencies 3
- Federal Highway Act of 1973 1
- Federal Low-Emission Vehicle Procurement Act of 1970 1
- Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 1
- Finance 13
- Financing 13
- Fishing 2
- Fishing vessels 2
- Flight attendants 1
- Floods 1
- Freeways 1
- Freight and passenger services 1
- Freight forwarders 1
- Freight handling 3
- Freight security 2
- Freight service 1
- Freight traffic 1
- Freight trains 3
- Freight transportation 2
- Fringe parking 1
- Frontal crashes 1
- Fuel conservation 4
- Fuel consumption 3
- Fuel oils 21
- Fuels 1
- Future 6
- Gas pipelines 1
- General Motors 1
- Genoa (Italy) 2
- Government agencies 3
- Government employees 5
- Government funding 97
- Governments 2
- Graduates 4
- Grain 1
- Grant aid 4
- Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Season 1
- Ground transportation 6
- Ground transportation crashes 2
- H.R. 16024 1
- Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 1
- Harbors 1
- Hazardous materials 4
- Hazards 1
- Helicopters 1
- High schools 1
- High school students 1
- High speed ground transportation 2
- High Speed Ground Transportation Act 1
- High speed rail 1
- Highway beautification 1
- Highway Billboard Removal Program 1
- Highway capacity 4
- Highway engineering 1
- Highway operations 1
- Highway planning 3
- Highways 17
- Highway safety 32
- Highway safety organizations 2
- Highway Safety Program 1
- Highway transportation 4
- Highway travel 1
- Hispanics 1
- Historically marginalized persons 1
- Historic preservation 1
- Historic sites 1
- History 22
- Holidays 1
- Homeless persons 2
- Hotels 1
- Housing 1
- Human factors 2
- Human factors engineering 5
- Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horation), 1911-1978 1
- Icebreakers 1
- Immigrants 3
- Impacts 1
- Imports 1
- Incentives 1
- Industries 1
- Inflation 20
- Infrastructure 3
- Inland waterways 2
- Innovation 5
- Inspection 1
- Institutional issues 2
- Insurance 1
- Interagency relations 3
- Intercity transportation 4
- Intercity travel 1
- Intergovernmental partnerships 1
- Intergovernmental relations 2
- Intermodal transportation 4
- International airports 1
- International Air Show 2
- International borders 2
- International Civil Aviation Organization 1
- International compacts 1
- International Institute of Communications 1
- International law 1
- International relations 43
- International trade 10
- International transportation 6
- International travel 19
- Interoceanic canals 2
- Interorganizational relations 2
- Interstate highways 13
- Inventory 3
- Investments 1
- Jet engines 1
- Jet transports 1
- Joint development 1
- Knights of Columbus 1
- Labor 1
- Labor negotiations 3
- Labor relations 2
- Labor unions 3
- Lakes 1
- Land use planning 2
- Law 1
- Law enforcement 1
- Law enforcement personnel 1
- Laws 2
- Laws and legislation 48
- Layover time 1
- Leadership 8
- Lectures 1
- Legal action 1
- Legislation 55
- Levels of government 4
- License plates 1
- Livability 1
- Living conditions 1
- Local government 2
- Local service airlines 1
- Lockheed C5-A 1
- Lodging businesses 1
- Logistics 1
- Low income groups 2
- Maintenance 1
- Management 1
- Management and organization 2
- Manufacturing 1
- Marine engineering 1
- Marine safety 5
- Marine terminals 1
- Maritime industry 7
- Maritime law 1
- Maritime safety 4
- Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority 1
- McDonnell Douglas DC-9 short-haul aircraft 1
- McFall, John J. 1
- Mechanical engineers 1
- Membership organizations 15
- Merchant marine 3
- Mergers 1
- Metroliner 3
- Midair crashes 1
- Military personnel 1
- Military transportation 3
- Minority business enterprises 3
- Mobility 4
- Moral conditions 3
- Motels 1
- Motor vehicle industry 2
- Motor vehicles 1
- Multimodal transportation 19
- National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders 1
- National Highway Safety Act 1
- National Highway Safety Bureau 3
- National Safety Council 1
- National security 2
- National Transportation Safety Board 2
- National Wildlife Federation 1
- Naval architecture 1
- News 2
- Newspapers 1
- Noise 2
- Noise control 5
- Northeast Corridor 1
- Northwest Passage 2
- O'Hare Tower Dedication 1
- Occupant protection devices 1
- Ocean shipping 1
- Partnerships 5
- Passenger aircraft 2
- Passenger security 2
- Passenger trains 8
- Permits 2
- Personnel 2
- Personnel management 2
- Persons with disabilities 2
- Pipeline safety 4
- Planning 2
- Polar regions 5
- Policy 9
- Policy, legislation and regulation 23
- Politics 20
- Pollution 9
- Ports 3
- Problem solving 9
- Profesional Air Traffic Controllers Oranganization (PATCO) 4
- Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (Washington, D.C.) 2
- Protests 2
- Public participation 2
- Public private partnerships 6
- Public service 4
- Public transit 69
- Quality of life 6
- Race 2
- Railroad construction 2
- Railroad operations 21
- Railroads 44
- Railroad safety 10
- Railroad transportation 17
- Rail transit 10
- Rail transit stations 2
- Rapid transit 6
- Reconstruction 2
- Regulation 9
- Regulations 13
- Regulatory reform 9
- Research 9
- Restructuring 5
- Ridesharing 7
- Rural transportation 2
- Safety 13
- Safety and security 2
- Security 2
- Service agencies 2
- Shipbuilding 2
- Ship crews 2
- Shipping 6
- Skyjacking 2
- Social diversity 2
- Social factors 6
- Social impacts 2
- Social service 2
- Social values 12
- Standards 6
- Strategic planning 4
- Strikes 2
- Supersonic aircraft 5
- Systems analysis 3
- Taxes 5
- Technological innovations 4
- Technology 7
- Terrorism 2
- Trade 3
- Traffic 2
- Traffic congestion 5
- Traffic crashes 2
- Traffic crash victims 2
- Traffic safety 11
- Transit buses 2
- Transportation 62
- Transportation careers 3
- Transportation Day 2
- Transportation departments 13
- Transportation modes 2
- Transportation operations 3
- Transportation planning 260
- Transportation policy 304
- Transportation safety 28
- Travel agents 2
- Travel modes 4
- Truck drivers 3
- Trucking 8
- Trucking safety 2
- Trucks 2
- United States. Highway Beautification Act of 1965 6
- United States. Highway Safety Act of 1966 5
- United States. Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 2
- Universities and colleges 6
- Urban areas 4
- Urban development 4
- Urban highways 4
- Urbanization 8
- Urban Mass Transportation Administration 3
- Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1970 9
- Urban renewal 2
- Urban transit 22
- Urban transportation 44
- Urban transportation policy 4
- Vanpools 4
- Vehicle safety 13
- Voting 2
- Water transportation 13
- Waterways 5
- Women 2
- Adams, Brock (133)
- Alexander, Ben (1)
- Beckham, William J., Jr. (6)
- Beggs, James M. (1)
- Boyd, Alan S. (Alan Stephenson), 1922-2020 (200)
- Brinegar, Claude S. (83)
- Butchman, Alan (2)
- Coleman, William T., Jr. (18)
- Coupal, J.R. (1)
- Goldschmidt, Neil (76)
- Helms, J. Lynn (1)
- Lehan, Frank W. (1)
- Lewis, Drew (30)
- Trent, Darrell M. (5)
- Volpe, John A. (337)
- Washington, James A. (1)
- NBC's Meet the Press (1)
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. (1)
- United States. Department of Commerce (31)
- United States. Department of Transportation (863)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary (2)
- United States. President's Council on Youth Opportunity (1)
- U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, D.C. (1)
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. Subcommittee on Roads (2)
- United States. Department of Commerce (30)
- United States. Department of Transportation (795)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of Public Affairs (38)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary (10)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office Public Affairs (28)
- 55 mph speed limit (2)
- 1969 Paris Air Show (2)
- Abruzzo (Italy) (1)
- Access (1)
- Accessibility (4)
- Administration (1)
- Administrative procedures (1)
- Adolescents (3)
- Advertising (1)
- Aeronautical engineering (1)
- Aeronautics (3)
- Aerospace industry (3)
- Aircraft (2)
- Aircraft industry (5)
- Aircraft noise (5)
- Aircraft operations (2)
- Aircraft pilotage (1)
- Airline pilots (2)
- Airlines (8)
- Air pilots (3)
- Airplanes (2)
- Air pollution (6)
- Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (4)
- Airport and Airways Development Act of 1970 (1)
- Airport capacity (11)
- Airport facilities (5)
- Airport noise (2)
- Airport operations (11)
- Airport planning (10)
- Airport runways (1)
- Airports (16)
- Airport traffic (2)
- Air quality management (4)
- Air traffic (4)
- Air traffic control (7)
- Air traffic control facilities (2)
- Air traffic controllers (5)
- Air transportation (10)
- Air transportation policy (10)
- Air travel (20)
- Airways (2)
- Alaska Railroad (1)
- Alcohol use (1)
- Alitalia (Airline) (1)
- American Chamber of Commerce in Italy (1)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1)
- AMTRAK (2)
- Anniversaries (1)
- Appropriations (10)
- Aprons (Airports) (1)
- Automobile driving (1)
- Automobile engineers (1)
- Automobile industry (24)
- Automobile insurance (5)
- Automobile ownership (1)
- Automobile parts industry (1)
- Automobiles (8)
- Automobile travel (2)
- Aviation (44)
- Aviation safety (15)
- Awards (10)
- Bankruptcy (4)
- BART (1)
- Bay Area Rapid Transit System (1)
- Beautification (9)
- Bermuda 2 (1)
- Bermuda Agreement (1)
- Bids (1)
- Biographies (1)
- Black people (1)
- Boeing (1)
- Boeing 727 (1)
- Boeing 737 (1)
- Boeing 747 (2)
- Boys Town of Italy (2)
- Bridges (4)
- Budgeting (7)
- Building materials (1)
- Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (1)
- Bureau of Public Roads (1)
- Buses (5)
- Businesses (1)
- Bus transportation (1)
- Cable cars (1)
- Canal lock operations (1)
- Canal operations (1)
- Canals (2)
- Canals and waterways (1)
- Career development (1)
- Carpools (7)
- Carriers (1)
- Catholic Church (2)
- Center Cities Transportation Program (1)
- Central business districts (1)
- Certification (2)
- Charities (2)
- Children (2)
- Cities (5)
- City planning (12)
- Civil aircraft (2)
- Civil aviation (5)
- Civil engineering (2)
- Civil engineers (1)
- Civil rights (3)
- Clean Air Amendments of 1970 (1)
- Coast Guard (2)
- Coasts (1)
- Cold weather construction (1)
- Collective bargaining (5)
- College graduates (6)
- College students (1)
- Columbus Day (1)
- Combined Federal Campaign (1)
- Combustion chambers (1)
- Commencement addresses (2)
- Commercial transportation (1)
- Communication (2)
- Communications (3)
- Communities (2)
- Competition (4)
- Conferences (9)
- Congestion management systems (1)
- Congressional hearings (28)
- Conrail (1)
- Conservation (3)
- Construction (5)
- Construction and maintenance (6)
- Construction and maintenance personnel (1)
- Construction industry (1)
- Construction management (1)
- Container handling (2)
- Containerization (1)
- Containers (3)
- Container terminals (1)
- Contractors (1)
- Cooperation (35)
- Costs (1)
- Cost sharing (1)
- Council of Lake Erie Ports (1)
- Countermeasures (1)
- Crash causes (1)
- Crashes (4)
- Crash victims (1)
- Crimes (1)
- Dams (1)
- Dash 80 (1)
- Data analysis (1)
- Defense (4)
- Demonstration projects (1)
- Deregulation (3)
- Design practices (1)
- Development (9)
- Disaster preparedness (1)
- Dissenters (1)
- Documents (1)
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1)
- Eagle (Ship : 1936- ) (1)
- Eastern Air Lines (1)
- Economic and social factors (52)
- Economic conditions (1)
- Economic development (4)
- Economic factors (47)
- Economic growth (4)
- Economic impacts (3)
- Economic policy (1)
- Economics (28)
- Education (5)
- Education and training (1)
- Elections (2)
- Electronics (1)
- Electronics industry (1)
- Emergencies (1)
- Emergency management (1)
- Emergency transportation (1)
- Eminent domain (1)
- Employee relations (4)
- Employees (2)
- Employment (16)
- Energy (8)
- Energy conservation (38)
- Energy consumption (21)
- Energy resources (6)
- Engineers (1)
- Environment (7)
- Environmental impact analysis (1)
- Environmental impacts (9)
- Environmental Improvement Program (1)
- Environmental policy (3)
- Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (1)
- Environmental protection (12)
- Environmental quality (4)
- Equity (Justice) (1)
- Excavations, mines and oil fields (2)
- Exhaust gases (2)
- Exhibitions (3)
- Experimental Safety Vehicle Program (1)
- Exploration (3)
- Expressways (2)
- Fair Housing Act (1)
- Fatalities (3)
- Fear (1)
- Feasibility analysis (1)
- Federal-Aid Highway Act (9)
- Federal aid (20)
- Federal Aid Highway Act (1)
- Federal aid highways (7)
- Federal assistance programs (2)
- Federal Aviation Administration (3)
- Federal government (76)
- Federal government agencies (3)
- Federal Highway Act of 1973 (1)
- Federal Low-Emission Vehicle Procurement Act of 1970 (1)
- Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (1)
- Finance (13)
- Financing (13)
- Fishing (2)
- Fishing vessels (2)
- Flight attendants (1)
- Floods (1)
- Freeways (1)
- Freight and passenger services (1)
- Freight forwarders (1)
- Freight handling (3)
- Freight security (2)
- Freight service (1)
- Freight traffic (1)
- Freight trains (3)
- Freight transportation (2)
- Fringe parking (1)
- Frontal crashes (1)
- Fuel conservation (4)
- Fuel consumption (3)
- Fuel oils (21)
- Fuels (1)
- Future (6)
- Gas pipelines (1)
- General Motors (1)
- Genoa (Italy) (2)
- Government agencies (3)
- Government employees (5)
- Government funding (97)
- Governments (2)
- Graduates (4)
- Grain (1)
- Grant aid (4)
- Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Season (1)
- Ground transportation (6)
- Ground transportation crashes (2)
- H.R. 16024 (1)
- Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 (1)
- Harbors (1)
- Hazardous materials (4)
- Hazards (1)
- Helicopters (1)
- High schools (1)
- High school students (1)
- High speed ground transportation (2)
- High Speed Ground Transportation Act (1)
- High speed rail (1)
- Highway beautification (1)
- Highway Billboard Removal Program (1)
- Highway capacity (4)
- Highway engineering (1)
- Highway operations (1)
- Highway planning (3)
- Highways (17)
- Highway safety (32)
- Highway safety organizations (2)
- Highway Safety Program (1)
- Highway transportation (4)
- Highway travel (1)
- Hispanics (1)
- Historically marginalized persons (1)
- Historic preservation (1)
- Historic sites (1)
- History (22)
- Holidays (1)
- Homeless persons (2)
- Hotels (1)
- Housing (1)
- Human factors (2)
- Human factors engineering (5)
- Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horation), 1911-1978 (1)
- Icebreakers (1)
- Immigrants (3)
- Impacts (1)
- Imports (1)
- Incentives (1)
- Industries (1)
- Inflation (20)
- Infrastructure (3)
- Inland waterways (2)
- Innovation (5)
- Inspection (1)
- Institutional issues (2)
- Insurance (1)
- Interagency relations (3)
- Intercity transportation (4)
- Intercity travel (1)
- Intergovernmental partnerships (1)
- Intergovernmental relations (2)
- Intermodal transportation (4)
- International airports (1)
- International Air Show (2)
- International borders (2)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (1)
- International compacts (1)
- International Institute of Communications (1)
- International law (1)
- International relations (43)
- International trade (10)
- International transportation (6)
- International travel (19)
- Interoceanic canals (2)
- Interorganizational relations (2)
- Interstate highways (13)
- Inventory (3)
- Investments (1)
- Jet engines (1)
- Jet transports (1)
- Joint development (1)
- Knights of Columbus (1)
- Labor (1)
- Labor negotiations (3)
- Labor relations (2)
- Labor unions (3)
- Lakes (1)
- Land use planning (2)
- Law (1)
- Law enforcement (1)
- Law enforcement personnel (1)
- Laws (2)
- Laws and legislation (48)
- Layover time (1)
- Leadership (8)
- Lectures (1)
- Legal action (1)
- Legislation (55)
- Levels of government (4)
- License plates (1)
- Livability (1)
- Living conditions (1)
- Local government (2)
- Local service airlines (1)
- Lockheed C5-A (1)
- Lodging businesses (1)
- Logistics (1)
- Low income groups (2)
- Maintenance (1)
- Management (1)
- Management and organization (2)
- Manufacturing (1)
- Marine engineering (1)
- Marine safety (5)
- Marine terminals (1)
- Maritime industry (7)
- Maritime law (1)
- Maritime safety (4)
- Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (1)
- McDonnell Douglas DC-9 short-haul aircraft (1)
- McFall, John J. (1)
- Mechanical engineers (1)
- Membership organizations (15)
- Merchant marine (3)
- Mergers (1)
- Metroliner (3)
- Midair crashes (1)
- Military personnel (1)
- Military transportation (3)
- Minority business enterprises (3)
- Mobility (4)
- Moral conditions (3)
- Motels (1)
- Motor vehicle industry (2)
- Motor vehicles (1)
- Multimodal transportation (19)
- National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (1)
- National Highway Safety Act (1)
- National Highway Safety Bureau (3)
- National Safety Council (1)
- National security (2)
- National Transportation Safety Board (2)
- National Wildlife Federation (1)
- Naval architecture (1)
- News (2)
- Newspapers (1)
- Noise (2)
- Noise control (5)
- Northeast Corridor (1)
- Northwest Passage (2)
- O'Hare Tower Dedication (1)
- Occupant protection devices (1)
- Ocean shipping (1)
- Partnerships (5)
- Passenger aircraft (2)
- Passenger security (2)
- Passenger trains (8)
- Permits (2)
- Personnel (2)
- Personnel management (2)
- Persons with disabilities (2)
- Pipeline safety (4)
- Planning (2)
- Polar regions (5)
- Policy (9)
- Policy, legislation and regulation (23)
- Politics (20)
- Pollution (9)
- Ports (3)
- Problem solving (9)
- Profesional Air Traffic Controllers Oranganization (PATCO) (4)
- Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (Washington, D.C.) (2)
- Protests (2)
- Public participation (2)
- Public private partnerships (6)
- Public service (4)
- Public transit (69)
- Quality of life (6)
- Race (2)
- Railroad construction (2)
- Railroad operations (21)
- Railroads (44)
- Railroad safety (10)
- Railroad transportation (17)
- Rail transit (10)
- Rail transit stations (2)
- Rapid transit (6)
- Reconstruction (2)
- Regulation (9)
- Regulations (13)
- Regulatory reform (9)
- Research (9)
- Restructuring (5)
- Ridesharing (7)
- Rural transportation (2)
- Safety (13)
- Safety and security (2)
- Security (2)
- Service agencies (2)
- Shipbuilding (2)
- Ship crews (2)
- Shipping (6)
- Skyjacking (2)
- Social diversity (2)
- Social factors (6)
- Social impacts (2)
- Social service (2)
- Social values (12)
- Standards (6)
- Strategic planning (4)
- Strikes (2)
- Supersonic aircraft (5)
- Systems analysis (3)
- Taxes (5)
- Technological innovations (4)
- Technology (7)
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- :United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs1985-10-25 | Dole, Elizabeth HanfordAbstract:Superstar entertainer Barbara Mandrell, who credits safety belts with saving her life in a head-on car crash last year, is taking her safety message t...
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary1970-10-04 | Volpe, John A.Abstract:Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe today announced the award of a $79,075 contract to CLM Systems, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to study e...
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary1969-10-21 | Volpe, John A.Abstract:Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe called today's delivery of Massachusetts' first helicopter to be used by the State Police a "new era in Stat...
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