NTAD Archive
These datasets include spatial information for transportation modal networks and intermodal terminals, as well as the related attribute information for these features. Users can interact with the data on https://data-usdot.opendata.arcgis.com. Bookmark this collection: https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/collection_ntad or https://doi.org/10.21949/1530842.
- Dataset 78
- Tech Report 1
- Accident exposure 1
- Aerodromes 1
- Aircraft noise 1
- Aircraft operations 1
- Airport noise 1
- Airport runways 1
- Airports 3
- Airport terminals 1
- Air quality management 1
- Airways 1
- All Road Network of Linear Referenced Data 1
- Amtrak 1
- Analysis 1
- Areas and regions 1
- Atlas 1
- Automatic vehicle monitoring 1
- automobile loading ramps 1
- Auto Ramp facilities 1
- Aviation 1
- BEA 1
- Border crossings 1
- Boroughs 1
- Bureau of Economic Analysis 1
- Bus terminals 1
- Cargo facilities 1
- Cartographic information 1
- cartographic information 1
- CBSA 1
- Census 1
- Cities 1
- cities 1
- Clean fuels 1
- Commercial air segment network 1
- Commercial facilities 1
- Commercial space transportation 1
- Commodity flow 1
- commute 2
- Congressional districts 1
- Core based statistical area 1
- Crashes 1
- Crude oil 1
- Dams 1
- Data 53
- Data analysis 1
- Databases 32
- Data collection 24
- Data files 27
- Data program 1
- data set 1
- Demand 1
- Digital mapping 6
- Economic analysis 1
- Economic regions 1
- Energy resources 1
- Environment 1
- Environmental impacts 1
- Environmental Protection Agency 1
- EPA 1
- Exports 1
- Facilities and structures by use 1
- FAFR 1
- Federal aid 1
- Federal Aid Urbanized Area Boundaries database 1
- Ferry terminals 1
- FRA Grade Bridges 1
- Freight analysis framework regions 1
- Freight service 2
- Freight trains 1
- Freight transportation 2
- Fuel storage and delivery devices 1
- Geographic database 2
- geographic database 1
- Geographic information 1
- Geographic information systems 41
- Geographic polygon database 1
- Geography 1
- Geography transportation demand 1
- Geospatial data 3
- GTFS 1
- Hazardous Material Routes 1
- Hazardous materials 1
- Hazmat 1
- Hazmat routes 1
- Highway-Rail Bridges 1
- Highway-rail crossing 1
- highway-rail transfer facilities 1
- Highway corridors 1
- Highway Performance Monitoring System 1
- Highway performance monitoring system 1
- Highway planning 3
- highways 1
- Highway safety 2
- Highway system 1
- Highway traffic 1
- Highway transportation 3
- Highway travel 1
- Household size 1
- HPMS 1
- Hydrographic features 1
- Imports 1
- Infrastructure 26
- Intermodal services 1
- Intermodal transportation 1
- International borders 1
- Lakes 1
- Land areas 1
- Landing fields 1
- Light rail transit 1
- Locks (Waterways) 1
- Mapping 1
- Map production 1
- Maps 6
- Measurement 1
- Metropolitan areas 4
- Metropolitan planning organizations 1
- Metropolitan Statistical Areas 1
- micropolitan areas 1
- Military facilities 1
- Monitoring 3
- MSA 1
- Municipalities 1
- NARN 1
- National Hazardous Material Route Registry 1
- National highway system 1
- National parks 1
- National Transportation Analysis Regions 1
- National Transportation Atlas Database 51
- Network database 1
- NHS 1
- Noise 1
- Noise map 1
- Nonattainment areas 1
- North American Rail Network 1
- NTAD 51
- NTAR 1
- Ozone 1
- Park boundaries 1
- Parts of dams 1
- Passengers 1
- Passenger terminals 2
- Passenger trains 2
- Performance 2
- Petroleum liquids 1
- Population 3
- Population density 1
- Port districts 1
- Port operations 1
- Ports 4
- Ports of entry 1
- Potential exposure 1
- Primary roads 1
- Public roads 2
- Public transit 3
- Public transit agencies 2
- Public transportation schedules 2
- Rail 1
- Rail (Railroads) 4
- Railroad bridges 1
- Railroad crossings 1
- Railroads 3
- Railroad safety 1
- Railroad trains 1
- Rail transit 4
- Renewable energy sources 1
- Rivers 1
- Road conditions 1
- Roads 2
- Routes 1
- Routing 1
- Rural highways 1
- Safety and security 1
- Scheduling 1
- Secondary roads 1
- Spacecraft 1
- Spaceport facilities 1
- Spaceports 1
- Space transportation 1
- Spatial analysis 26
- State lines 1
- States 1
- Station operations 1
- storage capacity 1
- towns 1
- Traffic 1
- Traffic noise 1
- Traffic surveillance 2
- Trains 1
- Transit operating agencies 1
- Transportation 11
- Transportation modes 28
- Transportation network 1
- Transportation networks 1
- Transportation operations 1
- Transportation program 1
- Travel by vehicle type 1
- Travel surveys 2
- travel time 2
- Travel time 1
- Trend (Statistics) 1
- Trip length 1
- Types of ports 1
- Urban areas 2
- Urban clusters 1
- urban clusters 1
- Urban highways 1
- Urbanized areas 1
- Urban transit 1
- Vehicles 2
- Vehicles available 1
- Vehicle sharing 1
- Waterway facility operations 2
- Weigh in motion 1
- Weigh stations 1
- Work trips 1
- Federal Aviation Administration 3
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) 15
- Federal Railroad Administration 4
- Federal Transit Administration 2
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (U.S.) 1
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers 1
- United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization 53
- United States. Census Bureau 2
- United States. Department of Commerce 1
- United States. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census 4
- United States. Department of Defense 1
- United States. Department of the Interior 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics 21
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization. 3
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration 1
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology 49
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency 1
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards 1
- United States. National Park Service. Interior Region 1 1
- Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division, Environmental Science and Engineering Division 1
- Accident exposure (1)
- Aerodromes (1)
- Aircraft noise (1)
- Aircraft operations (1)
- Airport noise (1)
- Airport runways (1)
- Airports (3)
- Airport terminals (1)
- Air quality management (1)
- Airways (1)
- All Road Network of Linear Referenced Data (1)
- Amtrak (1)
- Analysis (1)
- Areas and regions (1)
- ARNOLD (1)
- Atlas (1)
- Automatic vehicle monitoring (1)
- automobile loading ramps (1)
- Auto Ramp facilities (1)
- Aviation (1)
- BEA (1)
- Border crossings (1)
- Boroughs (1)
- Bureau of Economic Analysis (1)
- Bus terminals (1)
- Cargo facilities (1)
- Cartographic information (1)
- cartographic information (1)
- CBSA (1)
- Census (1)
- Cities (1)
- cities (1)
- Clean fuels (1)
- Commercial air segment network (1)
- Commercial facilities (1)
- Commercial space transportation (1)
- Commodity flow (1)
- commute (2)
- Congressional districts (1)
- Core based statistical area (1)
- Crashes (1)
- Crude oil (1)
- Dams (1)
- Data (53)
- Data analysis (1)
- Databases (32)
- Data collection (24)
- Data files (27)
- Data program (1)
- data set (1)
- Demand (1)
- Digital mapping (6)
- Economic analysis (1)
- Economic regions (1)
- Energy resources (1)
- Environment (1)
- Environmental impacts (1)
- Environmental Protection Agency (1)
- EPA (1)
- Exports (1)
- Facilities and structures by use (1)
- FAFR (1)
- Federal aid (1)
- Federal Aid Urbanized Area Boundaries database (1)
- Ferry terminals (1)
- FRA Grade Bridges (1)
- Freight analysis framework regions (1)
- Freight service (2)
- Freight trains (1)
- Freight transportation (2)
- Fuel storage and delivery devices (1)
- Geographic database (2)
- geographic database (1)
- Geographic information (1)
- Geographic information systems (41)
- Geographic polygon database (1)
- Geography (1)
- Geography transportation demand (1)
- Geospatial data (3)
- GTFS (1)
- Hazardous Material Routes (1)
- Hazardous materials (1)
- Hazmat (1)
- Hazmat routes (1)
- Highway-Rail Bridges (1)
- Highway-rail crossing (1)
- highway-rail transfer facilities (1)
- Highway corridors (1)
- Highway Performance Monitoring System (1)
- Highway performance monitoring system (1)
- Highway planning (3)
- highways (1)
- Highway safety (2)
- Highway system (1)
- Highway traffic (1)
- Highway transportation (3)
- Highway travel (1)
- Household size (1)
- HPMS (1)
- Hydrographic features (1)
- Imports (1)
- Infrastructure (26)
- Intermodal services (1)
- Intermodal transportation (1)
- International borders (1)
- Lakes (1)
- Land areas (1)
- Landing fields (1)
- Light rail transit (1)
- Locks (Waterways) (1)
- Mapping (1)
- Map production (1)
- Maps (6)
- Measurement (1)
- Metropolitan areas (4)
- Metropolitan planning organizations (1)
- Metropolitan Statistical Areas (1)
- micropolitan areas (1)
- Military facilities (1)
- Monitoring (3)
- MSA (1)
- Municipalities (1)
- NARN (1)
- National Hazardous Material Route Registry (1)
- National highway system (1)
- National parks (1)
- National Transportation Analysis Regions (1)
- National Transportation Atlas Database (51)
- Network database (1)
- NHS (1)
- NMHRR (1)
- Noise (1)
- Noise map (1)
- Nonattainment areas (1)
- North American Rail Network (1)
- NTAD (51)
- NTAR (1)
- Ozone (1)
- Park boundaries (1)
- Parts of dams (1)
- Passengers (1)
- Passenger terminals (2)
- Passenger trains (2)
- Performance (2)
- Petroleum liquids (1)
- Population (3)
- Population density (1)
- Port districts (1)
- Port operations (1)
- Ports (4)
- Ports of entry (1)
- Potential exposure (1)
- Primary roads (1)
- Public roads (2)
- Public transit (3)
- Public transit agencies (2)
- Public transportation schedules (2)
- Rail (1)
- Rail (Railroads) (4)
- Railroad bridges (1)
- Railroad crossings (1)
- Railroads (3)
- Railroad safety (1)
- Railroad trains (1)
- Rail transit (4)
- Renewable energy sources (1)
- Rivers (1)
- Road conditions (1)
- Roads (2)
- Routes (1)
- Routing (1)
- Rural highways (1)
- Safety and security (1)
- Scheduling (1)
- Secondary roads (1)
- Spacecraft (1)
- Spaceport facilities (1)
- Spaceports (1)
- Space transportation (1)
- Spatial analysis (26)
- State lines (1)
- States (1)
- Station operations (1)
- storage capacity (1)
- towns (1)
- Traffic (1)
- Traffic noise (1)
- Traffic surveillance (2)
- Trains (1)
- Transit operating agencies (1)
- Transportation (11)
- Transportation modes (28)
- Transportation network (1)
- Transportation networks (1)
- Transportation operations (1)
- Transportation program (1)
- Travel by vehicle type (1)
- Travel surveys (2)
- travel time (2)
- Travel time (1)
- Trend (Statistics) (1)
- Trip length (1)
- Types of ports (1)
- Urban areas (2)
- Urban clusters (1)
- urban clusters (1)
- Urban highways (1)
- Urbanized areas (1)
- Urban transit (1)
- Vehicles (2)
- Vehicles available (1)
- Vehicle sharing (1)
- Waterway facility operations (2)
- Weigh in motion (1)
- Weigh stations (1)
- Work trips (1)
- Federal Aviation Administration (3)
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) (15)
- Federal Railroad Administration (4)
- Federal Transit Administration (2)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (U.S.) (1)
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (1)
- United States. Army Corps of Engineers (1)
- United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization (53)
- United States. Census Bureau (2)
- United States. Department of Commerce (1)
- United States. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census (4)
- United States. Department of Defense (1)
- United States. Department of the Interior (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (21)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization. (3)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration (1)
- United States. Department of Transportation. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (49)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency (1)
- United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (1)
- United States. National Park Service. Interior Region 1 (1)
- Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division, Environmental Science and Engineering Division (1)
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The National Highway Planning Network (NHPN) 1996-Present dataset is as from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Planning, and part o...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The National Waterway Network is a comprehensive network database of the nation's navigable waterways. The data set covers the 48 contiguous states pl...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Populated Places dataset is 1996-Present with updates every two weeks and from the U.S. Census Bureau and part of the U.S. Department of Transport...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:National Parks 1996-Present dataset is from the National Parks Service (NPS), and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bureau of T...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Public Use Runway Runways database is a geographic dataset of runways in the United States and US territories containing information on the physic...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Federal Aid Urbanized Area Boundaries database is a geographic database of Federal-aid boundaries for urban areas with a population greater than 5...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Amtrak Station 1996-present dataset is from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/B...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Commercial Air Segment Network is a comprehensive point-to-point network database of the nation's commercial air segment network. The data set cov...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Auto Ramp Facilities database is a geographic database of highway-rail transfer facilities containing automobile loading ramps in the United State...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The United States MSA Boundaries database is a geographic database of metropolitan statistical area boundaries in the United States containing informa...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1996-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The BEA Economic Areas database is a geographic polygon database representing county based economic regions for the United States.
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Railroad Administration ...1995-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The North American Rail Network (NARN) 1995-Present dataset is from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and part of the U.S. Department of Tran...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1995-01-01Abstract:The Oak Ridge Commodity Flow dataset is from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)/Bu...
- National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD): Petroleum Liquids Transportation Network 1995 Dataset:United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1995-01-01Abstract:The Petroleum Liquids Transportation Network dataset is from the National Petroleum Council, and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USD...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1995-01-01Abstract:The Section 15 Transit Agencies 1995 dataset is from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportati...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1995-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Transit Fixed Guideways dataset is 1995-2017 and is from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and part of U.S. Department of Transportation (...
- :United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics1995-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:BTS has compiled the initial version of a geographic atlas database to support research, analysis, and decision making across all modes of transportat...
- :United States. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Spatial Analysis and Visualization ...1995-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD).The Airports dataset includes all official and operational aerodromes and is part of the U.S. Department...
- :United States. Army Corps of Engineers ...1995-01-01 | National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD)Abstract:The Docks dataset, which previously was refered to as Ports, is from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and is part of the U.S. Department of Transportat...
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